New Client Information

Requirements to Board and Play with Us

Your dog…

  • Must be dog friendly/well-socialized

  • Must know basic manners and commands

  • Must be potty trained

  • Must be up-to date on these 3 vaccinations: rabies, bordetella and DHPP (we require documentation from your vet)

  • Must be spayed/neutered after 1 year of age

  • Must not struggle with extreme anxiety or other disruptive behaviors

  • Must not be destructive in any way

New Client Interest Form

Please complete this questionnaire if you are interested in Emily’s Woof Pack’s services. This information is extremely valuable in helping us get to know the personality, behavior, and routine of your pup so we can determine if they are a good candidate for our Required Trial Evaluation day.

We are by appointment only, we ask that you not stop by unless you have been contacted by email & have a confirmed trial date.
If your pet care need is time sensitive, we encourage you to reach out to our Facebook page, after your form submission.

Mandatory Trial Evaluation

For any Boarding stays longer than 1 night, we require a 24 hour trial evaluation.
All potential Daycare pups must complete an 4-6 hour trial evaluation.

During the trial period, we evaluate your pups social skills, basic manners, energy level and overall comfort staying here with us.
The purpose for this trial is also to help ease your pup into the process of being away from home and to familiarize them with our home and Pack. We find that this helps reduces any anxiety they may have about staying in a new place. They are way more excited to see us the second time around!
Once a pup has completed and passed their trial, they are approved for future stays!
*Standard rates apply for this trial*

Trial Day: What to Pack

For Daycare trials, please pack:

  • Collar/Harness & Leash

  • A pre-portioned lunch (if necessary for your dog)

  • Any necessary medications or supplements

  • Treats (optional)

For Boarding trials, please pack:

  • Collar/harness & leash

  • Enough pre-portioned food for stay

  • Any necessary medications or supplements

  • Written feeding and medication instructions

  • Blanket that smells like home

  • Treats (optional)

  • Soft-sided crate if used at home

Please ensure your dog arrives to their trial wearing a collar with current, accurate ID tag(s).